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Restructuring & Insolvency 2020 - Chapter Switzerland

by Christoph Staeubli and Dominik Hohler
in: Tom Barnes (Editor[s]), "Lexology / Getting the Deal Through"
London, 2020, pp. 440-456

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Restructuring & Insolvency - Chapter Switzerland

by Christoph Staeubli and Dominik Hohler
in: Tom Barnes (Editor[s]), "Getting the Deal Through"
London, 2018, pp. 435-449

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Die Schuldanerkennung nach Art. 17 OR im Rahmen des Factoringvertrages. Ein eigenständiger, rechtsgültiger und durchsetzbarer Anspruch?
[The acknowledgement of debt according to art. 17 Swiss Code of Obligations within the framework of the factoring agreement. An independent, legally valid and enforceable claim?]

by Bastian Heinel and Theodor Härtsch
in: Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht (GesKR), 3/2018, S. 287 ff., 31 August 2018

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Restructuring & Insolvency - Chapter Switzerland

by Christoph Staeubli and Dominik Hohler
in: Gideon Roberton (Editor[s]), "Getting the Deal Through"
London, 2017, pp. 401-414

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Is a financially sound Swiss subsidiary allowed to participate in a foreign US court debtor in possession restructuring proceeding?

by Christoph Staeubli and Dominik Hohler
in: Business Restructuring & Insolvency Report Fourth Edition 2018, pp. 71-75, 31 December 2017