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Restructuring & Insolvency - Chapter Switzerland

by Christoph Staeubli and Dominik Hohler
in: B. Leonard (Editor[s]), "Getting the Deal Through"
London, 2017, pp. 415-428

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Entscheidbesprechungen, 3.2.4. Aktienrecht, (5) BGer 4A_51/2017: Der bessere oder der weniger schlechte Aktionär?
[Judgement Reviews, 3.2.4. Stock Corporation Law: The Better or the Less Bad Shareholder?]

by Pascal Zysset [co-author] and Markus Vischer [co-author]
in: Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP) 9/2017, pp. 1147-1152

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Trading in distressed debt in Swiss insolvency proceedings: restriction of information appropriate?

by Dominik Hohler [co-author] and Christoph Staeubli [co-author]
in: Business Restructuring & Insolvency 2017 Third Edition 2017, pp. 101-103, 31 December 2016

Verwertung eines AGB-Pfandrechts im Zusammenhang mit dem Madoff-Konkurs (claw back claims)
[Enforceability of a pledge in connection with Madoff claw back claims]

by Fabian D. Glässer
in: ius.focus 1/2017, pp. 5, 31 December 2016

Kollokations- und Widerspruchsklagen nach SchKG
[Insolvency litigation]

by Mark A. Reutter [co-author]
Berne, 2001